Cat: 3 | Social and emotional learning

20 - 22 Sept 2024 | FACE to FACE - Dubai
The International Baccalaureate (IB)

(+5% UAE VAT)

Workshop Format

This FACE-TO-FACE workshop will take place at Dubai International Academy (DIA) Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE in association with Innoventures Education Training Centre.

DIA Al Barsha is close to the the Mall of the Emirates and many hotels in the Al Barsha area. Includes 15 hours of expert tuition over 2.5 days, with full resources and great food and refreshments

Timings: 08:30-16:30 on Days 1 and 2 and 08:30-12:15 on Day 3.

About the workshop


All educators, IB coordinators and school leaders or decision makers at any point in their journey as life-long learners.

What skills and competencies do teachers and students need to flourish in a complex, interconnected world? When teachers provide opportunities to practice and model the skills of mindfulness, positive psychology and social-emotional learning (SEL), they are better able to respond to their own needs and the needs of their students.

  • Investigate research related to SEL and learn how to apply practical strategies that assist students and teachers in cultivating greater emotional well-being, perseverance, self-regulation, self-motivation and resilience.
  • Create environments that support authentic, mindful and caring communities of learning.
  • Develop practical approaches and learn how affective skills can be integrated into the teaching and learning experience to lead to positive, meaningful action and student agency.
Workshop Leader(s)
Catherine Jouffrey

Catherine is an accomplished international teacher whose career spans over 20 years.  A highly experienced and recognised IB practitioner now working as an Independent Educator in a variety of roles including workshop leading for CAS, TOK, the EE, Language Acquisition, and…

Read more about Catherine Jouffrey
Catherine Jouffrey
Additional Workshop & Subject Information
About your booking

Once you have made your booking, you will receive an automatically generated BOOKING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and an invoice (or a receipted invoice if you have paid by credit card). Shortly after that, once we have processed your booking, you will receive an email from us with further information.

Once we have confirmed that the workshop will go ahead we will send you a confirmation email and an information pack which tells you everything that you need to know about joining your sessions. The links to join your sessions will be sent to you by email around 2 days before your sessions start.

If you have any queries regarding your booking, please contact us at